That could be a fucking awesome life!! If anyone out there who can sponsor me to travel and taste some food, I really want to do. Since i planed to study at CIA, I assumed that i could use the school vacation time to travel and work in other countries. Obviously, I will not be able to get a working permit for a month so, what i only can do is to work for a month without any payment. I have to study and work hard like an ordinary Asian guy before and after the vacation in order to make travel budget. As a Korean passport holder, there are so many disadvantage to work other countries, especially a Korean chef who works at European kitchen in Europe. What a tragedy!
I really want to go to Europe, India, Thai, Africa, and rest of all the countries on the earth. Big dream? haha, you will see. America is the third country where i am actually living in; Korea, Australia, USA. I'll live or visit other counties i mentioned earlier. I've some other countries though, it's not enough. I definitely need to see more world and taste more food. This is also good for my career for sure!
Nowadays, in order to less spend the money, I've eaten crappy food. I am so hungry for better and tasty food. Hugryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
didn´t know u had a blog!
u have a lot of stories to tell, i guess it was a good idea to make this blog!
see u man!
Good to see ya mate!! Excellent!!
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