Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dear Investors

From this blog, everyone will assume who I am, so self-introduce can be omitted even though this post is for all the investors.
The Freshman semester at Culinary Institute of America (CIA) has began. Struggling with paying tuition fee was already settled in my brain since I choose to study at CIA. Enormous amount of tuition fee gave me so much thoughts and hard times. A couple days before entering CIA, I even thought about giving up the study just because I had no idea where I can raise education budget. My savings? It's gone long times ago due to studying English without earning money.
Today, I sent a letter to my mother. I actually asked a favor to her. More likely, I asked her to help me to find investors since my mother is also not able to afford all the fees. My suggestion is this: I borrow some amount of money from anybody who is willing to help me out. While I am at the school, 3% of interests will be provided them. After graduation, one tenth of the fund will be pay back with same amount of interest. Total tuition and residence hall fee is $ 100,000 until receiving Bachelor's degree. That amount of money is only big money that I need. I have a part time job on the weekend. From the job, I could earn up t0 $ 8000 annually while I am at the school. From $100,000, 3% of interest is $3,000 per year. I still have spending money after I pay the interest. As matter of fact, since two meals for a day is already include the fee, so I do not need so much money beside buying something for studying. Five days of studying and two days of working will help me to save a lot of money and pay interest.
In order to make the plan clear, for instant, if anyone have ability to lend me full amount of money that I need, $100,000, Only $3,000 will be sent to you for three years which is the academic years. Once I graduated the school, I might get a position in either Europe or America. In case of working in Europe, returning all the fund could be earlier. Same amount of interest will be sent to you with one tenth of full amount. The whole process of completing payment will take ten years. In total 13 years, you can get back all the money that you lend me and also earn $39,000 from interest.
It would be great if I can borrow $100,000 from one investor, yet any amount of investment fund will be accepted. If there is anyone out there can help me with your money, I would appreciate that. 3% of interest, $3000 a year, is for everyone. It wouldn't matter how much you lend me. By using the donation tag which is located left side of my blog, you can help me out to study at the world prime culinary school in order to the best chef. When you send me your help, please your personal information and bank account information to my email so that I can pay the interest every year.
I'd truly appreciate all your help. Your fund will not only help me to pay the tuition fee, but it also will encourage me to push hard on the study. I need your help now. Please help me to reach my goal.

Dinner for New student

It was better than yesterday. It was look pretty nice and, most importantly, tasty.
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

View of CIA

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First Meal at CIA



All the classic dishes, it was not bad, though. I would say"The text book dishes."

First day at Culinary Istitute of America

Yesterday, I just moved into the Residence hall at Culinary Institute of America. Yesterday was kind of busy day. In the morning, I was waiting for both UPS and a moving van. I ordered my Brand new Canon Camera. I've wanted to have my own camera for long time, more than 10 years. I loved taking photos when I was a middle school student. I even attended photographing class for my afternoon activity It was fun. I didn't have my camera but my father did. He had a really awesome cool spy camera. I actually saw that camera at the movie '007.' The camera is now as old as I am, though, this camera is very valuable and collectible nowadays. I won't sell this one even though I knew I can get big cash out from this. I haven't seen this camera since I left Korea, but I guess my mom still has it.
Anyway. since I got really cool camera, I had to take some shots on the van for practicing. This is the first time I actually use a Sing-lens Digital Camera. I was thrill to open the package.
By the way, this is a quite story of how I got my package. Well, I saw the package tracking schedule on line. It said that the package had been out for delivery at 8.40 a.m. The Van driver came at 10. He and I moved all my stuff to his van around 10.30. I didn't get my package, though. There was no time for waiting that package, I called UPS. The agent told me I have to wait between 9 a.m to 7 p.m.
How stupid system it is. Don't they work for customer? Why does a customer give up a daily life to wait a god damn package? That is bullshit!! She also said only thing I can do is to wait until package is arrived, so I gave up to wait because I already told Genet my package will be arrived. She knew it and I can pick up from there anytime I want. I give up and told driver to go. Soon as we drive through a half of block, I saw UPS truck at the another block. I asked driver to go there. I saw a UPS guy and asked if he has my package. Luckily, he has it. It was so lucky to receive my package at the very last minute.
I probably took a lot of photos but only these on the video are good pictures, as I believe. So, Enjoy the pictures!
Today is first day of Orientation day. I just got books and ID card and everything I need for studying here. I woke at 6 a.m as very unusual for me. I have little bit of free time before the lunch since I don't have to take the placement test and I can use wireless Internet.
Now, I am hungry and sleepy. I still have about 40 minute before the lunch. I have to murder the time; otherwise, I am probably going to either fall in sleep or hunger to death.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thinking about My Life

Nowadays, I've been thinking of how to raise some education and travel budget. My plan was this; while I am studying at Culinary Institute of America, I am going to travel in Europe as well. Traveling is really important for becoming a experienced chef. It is simple resolute; more you see, more you know. Okay, I have pretty good plan to be the best, yet the thing anyone can't live without, money, makes everything muddy since I couldn't hold much of it. I even thought to change my career because I now earn very little money and have been spinning around at the same spot.
I felt that I don't belong to kitchen. I found that I am very individual but not easy with group. Whenever someone judges me, I just can't take it. What I usually like to say is that I am who I am so you'd better get used to with myself. Working at kitchen is teamwork. We have work together to serve better food to customers. There is no I and you, only we. I think that kind of thought makes me nut to work at kitchen.
In the Kitchen, there is always a head chef there and he orders what he want to. All the standard and recipes are from him. He is the rule of the kitchen. Only thing other cooks have to do is to do what exactly he told, like a robot. When he called order, we have to respond like between a drill sergeant and a private solder. Some people like to said that when head chef barks to you, you have to bark back.
Ten years of same routine, I probably felt sick and tired to work at kitchen. Enormous amount of tuition fee gave me a thought of what if I changed my major to be a interior designer just like my sister, so I called her to get advice.
My sister and I am more like a cat and a dog. When we were very little boy and girl,we were really good friends each other. As matter of fact, we were the best friend since we are the only sibling. Once we started growing up to be a man and a woman, we've began to have different thoughts and life style. We had so many arguments. She is the first child so she wanted to become a in charge. Because I am a son, I couldn't accept that. She always said you do that and you do this, but I always you do that and I do this. Even though I hate say this, I have my father's personality. I've been trying to change. I really didn't want to be like a my father. My mother and sister is very similar each other. While I was in Sydney, their relationship between mother and doughter has became elder and younger sisters. Another word, they are very close each other.
I am totally different from any entire family members. I am probably an alien. They are very Korean and like to keep that way. Me? I always think why I should do same way. Since then I even have cultural trouble with my family. How funny is that?
Back to my sister, I told her because of money problem and got bored with working at kitchen, I am concerning about change the career, to become a interior designer. My sister is an Interior designer. She said this job is also not so easy. Of cause, how many jobs are not so tough to reach the top point? The reason I asked my sister was I want to compare two career. If I start to study te design, I want to relate with restaurant business. That is what I thought and why I called her. She actually disappointed me today. Now that I've been tough time with everything, I've thought to give up what's I have been doing. For now, anything new beginning will take more cost and time. She also said that I strongly wanted to study at CIA and I now don't want to, so that was really disappointment. I should find a solution, not a getaway. She is right. I think I've been really weak. Past many years, my mother fund me to study so if I gave up now, she will feel horrible about supporting me.
My sister always looks reality. She knows me very well so she could gave me harsh words, yet that sometimes wake me up. I feel little better now. I have to be more strong. If I want to move forward, I have to push myself harder. Although she and I always argue each other, she is sometimes right and that make me stand up strongly.