Finally, I got my own business card. Perhaps, I don't need it for now since I haven't started study at CIA. The reason I put CIA on my card was to show people I will soon to be study there. But, the one thing I should have written "Student" next the "Chef," yet I totally didn't think about it; thus, it looks like as if I am a chef at CIA.
Anyway, I got this one with very good deal. 250 copy of this cards and a card holder was for absolutely free. The only charge that I had to pay was the shipping charge. I ordered this one last Monday night and selected the delivery in 7 days; $15.50 while 20 days is $5.50. Guess what? I got yesterday. I expected the package would come next week because that is what I paid for, but it came in only 5 days. How good, isn't it?
Since I have my own card, my plan is this; to visit all the Michelin starred restaurant in order to give my card and say "Here is my card, could give this card to the chef and say that my name is Roydon K. Kim? I am also a chef who looks for a great working experiences at Michelin starred restaurants, so if the chefs needs me anytime, call me at the number or email on the card. In fact, he can find myself on my blog. Thank you."
Even though I have over 8 years experiences of my career, I am still hungry for more experiences. I've seen amazing Michelin starred chefs skills and dishes. I want to have it so badly. I want to exactly do what they do. I want to have a restaurant similar quality as they have.
The one best thing about chef is very creative. I can create what I want to. Every chef has him or hers own style. Many chefs said that more experiences will give me my own style. That is what I am searching for and why I want to get a job at Michelin starred kitchen.
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