Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Anthos is also a good place to work; people are nice and menu is very interesting. only one trouble is that I don't have regular schedule because Chef de Cuisine, Constantin (I hope the spell is right), couldn't have chance to talk the owner and Chef, Chef Constantine call me sometimes when he needs extra help. I am not officially, hired yet. Since he graduated CIA and liked how I work in the kitchen, I always have a chance to work there as long as he needs my hands. I was supposed to work yesterday and today at Anthos. I've been waiting for a phone call from Anthos, yet I guess he doesn't need me this week. Well, people always said "looking at bright side." The bight side of this week was that I actually have a little vacations for three days, so I have time for my lady. She will leave New York next month. Since I've been working so many hours, I couldn't spend time with her much. Last two days, she was happy to be with me all day long. Today, I have a surprise for her. I knew that she will not have a chance to see this blog until midnight so it is okay to write on blog about my plane for tonight. Three weeks ago, I booked a dinner reservation at Gilt, which is two Michelin starred restaurant. Fancy fine dining but romance place for young couple, of course for everyone, was the reasons to pick this place. I gave a few clues of where we going to have a dinner, but she still has no idea for tonight. I just told her to wear something nice. I believe tonight is going to be a best night for us.
It's been while to write something on my blog due to fact that I always tired and had to stay with her after work. After I came home, we always talk each other for couple hours, talking about the day we had. I sometimes so tired and had to do something, so I couldn't pay attention what she was talking about. She really hate me when I act like that. I really tried not to do like that, but it happened. Sorry baby, I will try harder.
I think I am really a workaholic. Without doing absolutely nothing for two days made me to look for a job on again and think about doing something. I guess too tight with my pocket so I am not feel comfortable to being nothing. I wish I could have a relax off duty day without worrying about anything. My day is just started now. Nothing is related me with Jesus's B-day tomorrow, yet, what the hell, it's holiday!! Loving and Giving is all about the day. That is what I got to do with my lovely lady.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Two restaurants on Saturday
Eventually, I found one that satisfied all the condition that I mentioned. I found it on New York Magazine website. The restaurant is called Metisse, a French Bistro in Upper West Side. Although the restaurant wasn't close from the museum, it was still close from our place. On the website, I couldn't find many restaurants that I can choose from; nevertheless, I did remember that I saw some looking good restaurants when I walked on the Broadway to down town. I am a French cuisine chef, so I love to have some French dishes for Saturday brunch. When I check the menu at Metisse, the price was surprisingly cheap and reasonable. It was almost friendly neighborhood bistro as long as the taste is right.
When we got there, we were waiting at the door to sit. Two servers very busily ran around in the dinning room. One waterless saw us and said we could take a table wherever we want. They looked like busy and it was not a big deal to choose a table for us by ourselves at that time, yet some other problems kept coming likes water keep running out of a whole in the pipe. The table we sat wasn't ready for customers, unfortunately. In fact, I didn't realized that until I actually grab the table. A couple of minute later, a waiter came to us to set the table and give us menu. Guess what I found, I found a long hair between a napkin and a side dish. I told him and he looked very surprised. in the dining room, there were around 15 t0 20 customers and only two servers without a floor manger; therefore service was as slow as snail race. One good thing was that we had "plenty" of time to choose what to eat. A waitress, i guess she couldn't speak English much, did not explain the menu for us. Also, she didn't ask me how I want my egg. My girl was little bit up upset about my complaint about the food service here because all she wanted was to have nice meal with me.
Once I got my dish, by the way I ordered lamb sausage with potato and egg, the dish was quite messy. I understood that the restaurant I went wasn't fine dining, it's a casual bistro. However, every single dish that is served in the restaurant is supposed to be neat and clean on the plate, that is how I understood of restaurant business. In other words, they forget the fundamental. About the taste, egg was alright, egg is egg anyway. Potato, was sauteed with onion and capsicum, was very ordinary and average food. Four pieces of thinly sliced whole wheat bread was neither toasty nor tasty. Sausage was very tiny. these two piece of sausage looked like two baby penises, sorry I don't want to describe anything with a particular body organ but it really looked like that. All together, it wasn't satisfied my stomach or tong. As matter of fact, everything that I experienced in the restaurant ruined wonderful brunch time with my lovely lady.
After 5 hours of the museum trip, we had to find a good restaurant to feed our hungry stomachs. Since we didn't have any device, such as a laptop, to find information, we had to figure out the idea of dinner from our brains. Mandoo Bar was the first restaurant came to our mind. We remembered some media introduce the restaurant. I do like Korean Mandoo, so does my lady. In my childhood, my grand mother often made the most delicious Mandoo, especially with Kimchi. I think that is the only one Korean dish I really like and often want to have.
When we got there, the restaurant was packed with hungry customers. We had to wait but glass window kitchen was really good entertain to watch. Mandoo was very skillfully made; everything was same size and organized. One thing, I would like to point out is that they should not use any plastic bags to keep the food due to absolutely unprofessional and unhygienic to be shown. After we got a table, we ordered Kimch Mandoo, Seafood Mandoo, and appetizer size of Korean spicy soup. Mandoo was as good as its famous. The filling was good beside sesame oil, it has very strong smell and taste that it can almost cover all the flavor, and the dough was little thicker than I used to have from my granny; a simple formula: too think = too chewing. Anyway, everything was enormously enjoyable. After finishing all the dishes, we were still hungry for more. While we were eating, we saw a server mixed Bibimbab; a Korean rice dish that mixed with all the vegetable, meat and spicy sauce, with very experienced hand movement. It was quite good entertaining for customers. We also saw another waiter mixed the dish in the front of customer, yet I think he needs more time to practice to be similar as the experienced waiter. We wanted to see how he mix in front of our table, so we ordered and prayed for that the skillful waiter would mix our dish. The pray was came true!! Not only the dishes that we had was good, but the table service was also friendly and satisfied. That is the restaurant I want to go again.
On Saturday, we had two different restaurant, a good example of Korean dishes and a bad experience of French dish. Even though I usually like to give one more chance to the restaurant before I established the worst restaurant, Metisse wasn't good enough to have another chance. They need a lot of work to be good enough to attract local people, in my opinion. Mandoo Bar was a succeed case of the possibility of Korean restaurant and I like there.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
About yesterday- Chinese Take-away shop & McDonald

Hunger woke me up. My tommy kept saying me to feed. I was thinking about what options I can have. The usual choice is local Chinese Take-Away food due to cheapest food that I can get around my place. HO LEE is one of the restaurant that I like; cheap and good taste, what else I need more? When I was live at 190th street, there is a Chinese restaurant on St. Nicolas Ave, between 191st and 190th streets. They make really good fried rice. Even though my girl doesn't like any Chinese food, she liked the fried rice from that restaurant. Once I moved to 158th street. To find good fried rice around the new place have taken some risk, I said that because I have spend my money to find one. Ho Lee was a new Chinese restaurant in town when I found it. When I ordered and tasted the food, it was pretty good, it didn't have that heavy feeling from ordinary Chinese food and too greasy either. Since I tasted something good, I often ordered. Yesterday, I ordered LEE HO's fried rice one again.
Friday, December 5, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Finally First Day of December
The First day of December, damn I have another three month to enter Culinary Institute of America. Fuck, I don't know what I can do for three months. I truly don't know what to do... When I saw this Adidas commercial on television, I aways feel like I deadly want to have a party like them; The Party Like Rock Star! I can't have a party like that for sure while unemployed, though I wanna... It is suck that nobody is hired me. All my ex-bosses like me. I might look like either a punk or funk or dumm. Today, I went to Riverdale and Manhattan ELS center to give my business card to tell people I want to work for them seriously, but I felt really good today. Everyone welcomed me so much. Especially Suzanna, my English teacher in Riverdale, warmly hugged me, so does Anna, Kindra, and Franchis. They are very nice teachers. I love them all. They really teach the students with hearts, I believe that. I felt really shine to say I want to work for them, so I just say like everything is alright even though it is. Poor life is suck. Everyday, I am having struggle with money. Even one penny needs to count. For next three month, I will be having a hard time to ask some money from my mother. I am fucking twenty-eight, but still nobody. I hate that feeling. Since I stared chef career, I've had many hard times so does everyone. Many people said that I have a talent of cooking. My girl is my huge fan of my cooking because I put extra love, ha ha. It's been fun with cooking for my girl. Perhaps my girl was a guinea pig for me. Whatever I mad, even though if was not good at all, she always eat for me and dish wash. That is what we both feel that gaining some weights, funny, uh? Back to what I said, I have been asking people to hire me. The relationship between teachers and a student could be the clients and a chef. I like that sound. When ever we cooked together, we could talk about past. As some people said I speak very well with people, I might be alright with new clients, I mean I have to be. While I was on the subway to Riverdale, I thought about what I can do for my clients. For teaching and advising the cooking, I will charge them $15 to $20. For cooking for them, I will charge for each person. About the cooking and testy food, I have to have my signature dishes, something that only I can do. My soup and roast meats are the most favorite menus of my friends. Dessert is the least favorite food, I think I always failed to make it, but I love to make this when everything goes well. What I have to do is I need more study. A couple month ago, I bought some books about molecular gastronomy and food science, so I have some books to be much knowledgeable. Any business has always been tough time to put everything is smooth. Mmm, I have a party this Wednesday night at Star Lounge, so I probably have a really good time with dance. I got to have a party like Rock Star. That is why I need my people to come with me and party with me. I think it's the time to go sleep. I really want to sleep without thinking about I am going to do for next three month. Sleep early tonight and sleep early tomorrow, that I what I need nowadays. Party up!! Let's forget about everything while we are dancing together!!
Anyway, the day was good. I met my people at two different places. At the Manhattan center, I met some old friends, so I told them to come to the party and about what I do nowadays. Everyone said they will come. There is a teacher who is a rapper as well, Daric. By the way, I like his songs, very cool bit. He will have his concet. That sound awesome. Yeah!! More party!! So, I don't have to worry anything. Simply be crazy about something that I like. Am I cazy? Anthony will say "Yes you are."
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Business Card

Friday, November 28, 2008
Job Job Job
Every one should be careful when you choose the job and don't trust anyone said that they will pay you $700 per month for sending checks. That is totally bullshit!!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Looking for a job
I WANT TO WORK SOMEWHERE SO THAT I CAN EARN SOMETHING!!! Sometimes I hate my situation, fuck. Cross my fingers to be hired!!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
While I am waiting to enter CIA.....
If there is anyone who want me to cook for you, please, you can call me two or three weeks, at least a week before; otherwise we both didn't have time to plan anything. You can have a nice dinner party with your people, and I could earn some my education budget.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What should I do?
Anyway, the admission officer told me I can only possibly enter the school in March. Now is November and I have more than three months left before March. In this case, I should go back to Korea so that My mother and I could save some money before spending so much money for study. The only problem is that I don't want to go back to Korea. Moreover, I hate to be trapped in the situation that I have no choice whether I hate or not. Living in Korea doesn't help me to improve my English and cooking skills. I got to find more options that I could avoid going to Korea and need less budget. The options I could find was freelancer travel writer, volunteer work at farm, and working in New York. The travel worker is quite temped position since it provide good money and I could only travel around. The problem is my writing skill. English is still my second language and I probably have lack of writing skill even though I love writing. In fact, I don't ensure whether editors could pay for my journal. About volunteer work, I find many programs for that, such as farming, building, and teaching. Well, if I were native English speaker, I could teach English anywhere. Sadly, I am not. Volunteer programs tend to have to be paid for everything, with my light pocket, I got to omit these options as well. Helping the farm in New Zealand is the one I like. Working for them four to six hours to stay at their house is the biggest advance of this program. I love farm and farming. I believe this is the fundamental of every cooking. Only problem is air fare. To fly from New York to Auckland during busy season was freaking expensive, even much pricey than going back to Korea. If I could, I want to work in New York, but it is really risk as a student visa holder. I have no right to work for now. I guess the US government wants to protect its citizens' job. What I want to ask to New president Obama is to allow student visa holder to work that they don't have to struggle with financially supporting their education.
Nowadays, I want to work. I want to do something that can produce some living expenses. I am almost flat broken, so is my mother. I need money to study and a job to support myself. I now have a question so now is the time to find the answer.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hippie the goody
In the document film, hippies jam festival brought many hippies from everywhere, Woodstock. people get around and live together without any social rules. They showed the harmony and the peace. That is what we need now. The song "What The World Needs Now is Love" was sung by Jackie DeShannon and many musicians who felt this lyric from the heart. Exactly, what we need is more love from one other. I ensure that hippies said love our people, freely using drugs. We, hippies, have emphasized on that for over the decades, yet more people lose the interest of the love every year. Too sad and too tragedy; money, social level, power, and war is more important than simply accepting, respecting and loving one other nowadays. If anyone think carefully about us, anyone could find that we are only same human being. It doesn't matter who has different skin colors, has different religions, speaks different language, is poor or rich, and is gay or not. We are the only humans who live in our earth; thus, we should love each other more, not hate each other.
From now, we should give everyone you know a big "Free Hug." That is probably the small beginning of loving us. I am a new generation of hippie who keeps the basic idea of hippie. We need more hippies who can huge this earth. REMEMBER!! What the world needs now is love!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Culinary Institute of America
"Searching for scholarship!! I am Roydon Kwangwoo Kim, a Korean chef from Australia. I came New York to study at Culinary Institute of America. However, since the financial crisis is happening right now and I need some money to start studying at the school, I am now ask you to help me to start to study. If you wish me to cook, I can cook for you as long as you provide ingredients and little amount of scholarship. I am fully qualified and 9 years experienced chef. I can prove you. I wish I could work somewhere, yet due to difficult situation, nobody hires me. All your big scholarship will help me to study, I'd appreciate all your helps. Thank you."
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
When i was 19
The story is began with when i was late 18. I was at last year high school. Until that time, my family and my father's restaurant business had not had any big troubles, more likely very smooth everything. There wasn't any down hill nor upper hill, simply flat but everything was good. My father's restaurant was quite popular among the local people. I was a son of the owner so whenever I wanted to have some meat, my father owned Korean barbecue restaurant, I could bag my mother or father to have some meat. Good thing was my parents have only two children; my sister and I. My parents didn't have to feed five or four children; otherwise, they were going to spend more money than earn from the business. I ate meat a lot at that time so I recall that I was a quite chubby boy. While the last year of high school was heading toward to end, Korea economy was going to hit the bottom. At these days was called IMF years. Korea government didn't have enough money to run the country so they asked some money from International Money Fund. People started having light pockets so they spent less. Therefore, many small business had to close their doors. Not only did small business shut down their business, but any other businesses also had to. It was terrible at that time. As I mentioned early post, i used to work with my mom. In Korean currency, we sold frozen rolled pork belly for 1500 won, which is around one or two dollars in America. People were crazy about find anything cheap. These days, nothing was pricey because people would never buy.
One day my father's restaurant was on the edge situation due to a lot of debt. Even though My mother didn't want him to open another restaurant, he did it anyway. Nowadays, i am having a problem with paying my tuition so I often asked my mom to help since she is the only one who can support me. I don't want to stop the study because i have to make some money so that i can continue the study. I believe that if I graduate earlier, I could get better many and pay the all the debt. That is why I was trying to get some student loan. However, my mom strongly disagree with me. She is worrying that I could end up like father. Actually, he borrowed so much money from everyone who he knew, even his or his wife's family. No customers came to the restaurant because people didn't have enough money to enjoy the luxury. His restaurant was sinking like Titanic. He lose the money, he could afforded to pay the debt. He didn't plan to run way, but we packed our stuffs to move to a smaller apartment. Creditors and his friends found out that we were packing, so they came to the house. It was totally disaster. Because of money, people became ugly animals. Shouting, yelling, and swearing was going on among the people, including my parents. Next thing I remember was that our family had to separate. My father was hiding, more likely because he had never turn on any light while he was in the house, my mother and sister stayed mother's friends house. I didn't have much choices to go. I was studying in cooking school when i got my mother's phone call. She said they are moved already so I should stay at my uncle's house. My uncle had a two bed room apartment and had two children. Could you imagine that how much trouble to live in that condition? It was absolutely awkward. Even though I was close to the uncle and his family, living with them was really difficult. In fact, my mother divorced with my father so the uncle decide not to see her any more. He loved me when I was a little kid, though. He is a teacher of Confucianism and Chinese character so divorce was unacceptable for him. Since his sister, my mother, broke his fundamental Korean thoughts, he didn't want to talk to her anymore. He is a good man, I aways wished I have a father like him. Even though he didn't see her anymore, he had tried to be good to me which I really appreciate.
One day, one of mother's friends told me why I smile all the time and if i didn't not understand what situation I have. Fuck yeah, I knew what happened, but, just because of that, I didn't want to look as if I am depressed. I though that if I smiled more, people would have not recognize what situation I have. However, they, some of my mother's friends, thought that I didn't get how bad situation I have. Why should have I been looking serious? I didn't want to loose my smile, it is the only gift from my family. I can't remember exactly how long we lived like that but the next story of my will be began with after my mother got a little flat for her children.
Monday, October 20, 2008
P&P: Prawn Pasta

To start with olive oil, garlic and chopped onion on a pan, you should star with medium heat; otherwise these will be burned before infused flavor. When onion is cooked without colored and you can smell the garlic, put prawns. Spreading the prawns on the pan will help you to cook everything evenly. Making sure both side of prawn is cooked. Prawn or other shellfishes are very delicate so you don't have to cook too long. If the cooking time is too long, the meat will loose tenderness and moisture. Soon as you put the prawns, it will be cooked in no time. When both side is cooked, puring white wine is the next. This dish does have much sauce beside wine and olive oil so it is good that covering the prawn with the wine. Next thing is put tomato and black olive. The idea of making pasta is whatever you want add, you can add. I like tomato and black olive with pasta. In fact these are very Italian ingredients. that is why I added it into my pasta.
Cooked and drained pasta put into the sauce when the wine starts boiling. At the moment, you'd better turn low the heat if you don't want to have too dry pasta. While quickly mixed with pasta and sauce, chopped fresh basil and seasoning is the last step of this pasta. We didn't buy fresh basil because we don't need that big bunch of basil. For the two potions of pasta, you will only need three or four leaves of basil. However, we used dried basil instead. Adding at the very last minute is good for fresh basil. if you have dried bail, like me, use it when you pour the wine so that the dried basil will infuse more flavor. All the ingredients and pasta should be mixed well and there is a couple of spoons of sauce should be remained on the bottom.
Before you eat the pasta, freshly grind Parmesan cheese and extra virgin olive oil make the taste better.
Try today!! if you have any question, simply left me a comment.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Missing this people

When I had the first job in Sydney, Tim was working as a bartender. Of course, I was a cook. He was very nice guy and still he is. I remember one day he taught me English. First year in Australia so I spoke broken English. He asked me if i am full because I just had a dinner. It was simple question but I couldn't get it, so he handled an empty bottle and said this is empty. Then, he handled a fulled bottle and said this is full. What a good teaching!! He also invited me when he had a party. At the party, i met many of his friends. I met Anthony there. I also met Chris but he is not the Chris on the picture. Funny story, his friends were very nice and asked me to introduce Korean food because they wanted to have but they didn't know what they could have. I brought them to a Korean restaurant where i used to work. around ten people went there so the boss made good money because of me. I can't remember his name but i do remember he has a beard and bold head. Anyway, he said to me they are going to a pub, "a special pub." I really didn't know that they were on the way to a strip bar. Well, we were in Kings cross where is famous with all "the night activities." It was first time I have been strip bar in my entire life. I swear god even though i don't believe him. We were there and a stripper was dancing with a poll. It was quit an experience. It was hell of fun!! Anthony said I couldn't close my mouth.
Todd is a friend of Anthony. Anthony said Todd and Tim was a flatmate. That is how Anthony met Tim. When i was in Sydney, Todd was in London. My last year in Sydney, Todd came back to home and Anthony introduced him to me. Todd is a cool guy. He sometimes called me "Hey, mother fucker Roy. How the fuck are ya?" For me, the sound was really cool. I also know Todd's girl who came from German. She is so nice girl. I always had a good memories with her and Todd.
Chris who is on the picture is Anthony's friend as well. Anthony had a job on one of biggest cruse ship in the world. Chris was his roommate. In the ship, they were became good friend. After Anthony came back to Sydney for holiday,i guess, Chris came to Sydney. One day, we three of us went a nightclub, Home bar. Music was good and the night was good. We danced crazily until three in the morning. It might look like three gay guys were dancing together. Ha ha joking.
I have so much fun memories in Sydney. I really wanna go back for holiday. I have more picture of other friends but they are the people i miss most.
TSIF:Thanks someone it's friday!!
For today's lunch, we decided to have Vietnam noodle soup. The restaurant is not too far from where i study and the taste is really out of heaven, especially when I have very light pocket but I want to have something real food. Beef noodle soup is only for $5. I think that that noodle soup is the best noodle soup I have never had so far. Seriously, you got to try. I will tell you how it was when I got back. Hungry!!gotta go have a bowl of noodle!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
559 W158th Street
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

First day at the class and first day of restarting the study made me so easily tired. I had a quite busy day, though. I now have some homework to do and my daily study plan. Because of banking trouble, I could buy a note book after all the class was over. Although, the first day was quite tough, today's horoscope on the paper cheered me up and I wouldn't doubt about it.
"Focus all your attention on your work. You'll get a new assignment soon that also brings more authority. Don't worry, you can do it."
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
With my lady's help, i finally arrived at the school. The school was filled with so many students from all around the world. I filled out the forms that they gave to me and waited for so long to meet International student adviser, registrant and, last stop, academic director. The whole process took over two hours. I didn't want to be at the student orientation; nevertheless, I was there.
Another trouble wasn't finished until I swept my Metro card at the station. First sweeping, it had a error. Second sweeping, it said that i don't have enough balance. What the fuck!! I recharged $4 in this morning and it' gone somehow. My lady was enjoying her day without the classes. I really didn't want to bother her but, if i didn't ask her to rescue me, i had to walk 200 blocks to home. Even though, I'd walked over150 blocks before, the sound of over 200 blocks made me exhausted already. My girl really saved me the day from morning. I asked her if she can rescue me and she came right away to take me home. She is an awesome girl!! I love ya!!!
The first day in the class will begin tomorrow morning. This month is my last chance to study. I have to be better than before. Frankly, little bit nervous about it but I believe i can do it and I will be alright!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Anthony Bourdain "No Reservations"

That could be a fucking awesome life!! If anyone out there who can sponsor me to travel and taste some food, I really want to do. Since i planed to study at CIA, I assumed that i could use the school vacation time to travel and work in other countries. Obviously, I will not be able to get a working permit for a month so, what i only can do is to work for a month without any payment. I have to study and work hard like an ordinary Asian guy before and after the vacation in order to make travel budget. As a Korean passport holder, there are so many disadvantage to work other countries, especially a Korean chef who works at European kitchen in Europe. What a tragedy!
I really want to go to Europe, India, Thai, Africa, and rest of all the countries on the earth. Big dream? haha, you will see. America is the third country where i am actually living in; Korea, Australia, USA. I'll live or visit other counties i mentioned earlier. I've some other countries though, it's not enough. I definitely need to see more world and taste more food. This is also good for my career for sure!
Nowadays, in order to less spend the money, I've eaten crappy food. I am so hungry for better and tasty food. Hugryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Snow boarding
I've been watching snow boarding, surfing, and skate boarding on that channel. All the borders are really cool. It looks like they are really enjoying their lives. I am a chef. Chefs, we are also enjoy our lives in the kitchen but we are wearing same white jackets so our appearance quite similar one other. Many chefs realized that they don't have to wear something nice when they go to work, for they have to change to chef jackets in order to work in the kitchens. I don't know how they wear when they have day-off yet, i saw many chefs don't have good senses of clothing. Why I am off the topic to chef's jacket is that we, i mean chefs, need some individual styles. I found that someone who has good sense of clothing, art, and music has also good style of cooking. You can see it from the way of presenting the dishes.
I am a chef freak so i always found out the connection the cooking with something totally different from cooking.
I like chef career but i sometimes found myself in different place such as on the beach or on the mountain. My family was poor so i could start snow boarding, surfing and skate board when i was a middle of 20s. Now, i am 28 years old. Whenever i saw young pro-boarders, i believe myself could be a pro if i started "boarding" when i was much much young. This winter i really want to go to Canada if I can save some extra money. I remember that if i filmed how i snow boarding and then sent it, i could earn scholarship as long as i won. There are probably many borders better than me so i could have no chance. Too bad.
Is there any place i can just live without any money? If there is a non man island which had wonderful beach and snow mountain, i will pack everything and then move there for living rest of my life.
Today's daydream is over. Now time to back reality
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Today's Dinner
At the Fairway, we could find cheap price of beef yet, i believe, it has better quality than any stores. So, I planed to make the steak, mash potato mixed with roasted garlic and semi-dried halves plum tomato for our dinner. I chose a pack of three sliced pieces of Beef Bottom Round. I knew it is not the best part for steak but i believe that it has good fatty so thinly sliced this part is not too bad. In fact, the cost was only $3.66. Well, what the hell it is good cheap steak for poor students like us.
I like to cook potatoes with milk because it makes rich flavor, so i did. Meanwhile the potatoes were cooking in mixture of salted 90% of milk and 10% of water , unpeeled three cloves of garlic with extra virgin olive oil and Rosemary were roasted in 140 Celsiuses. In order to the garlic infused the flavor of olive oil and rosemary, I made a little pocket, which made of aluminium foil. I put everything into there and then i closed it. The best way to find out whether it is cooked is to pock with thin stick. Simply the stick smoothly goes inside, it is cooked.
In our kitchen, we have a little oven for toasting bread or something. It has a function of controlling time and temperature which helps me to cook small amount of food. In same degree, i also cooked tomato halves. All three tomatoes were cut in half and placed on the tray. Cut surface should be up. I just left these in the oven until the potatoes cooked. Once the potatoes were cooked, draining the potato and mashing was the next step. I peeled garlic skin and then mashed it with potato. Heavy cream is for making the mash more smooth. Unsalted butter is for making rich favor. In old cook book said the amount of butter is half equal amount of potato. It sound liked really fatty but, trust me it is really good. Thinking of roasted garlic flavored mash potato, that sound makes me mouth watering all the times and it is fucking good with steak.
I got three thin pieces of steak so i cooked these in very hot pan for a couple of minutes and then rested it for same time as cooking time when every side dishes were ready to eat. Medium-rare is obviously the best temperature for steak.
Total cost $8 for steak dinner, the cost of steak, potato, garlic and tomato. I don't normally like to eat steak with gravy. What i like is only salt and pepper or whole grain seed mustard, that is the way i can taste the beef not sauce. Because of my habit, i could save some money to make or buy gravy.
Try today!! It is so good!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Quick say something
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Continuing the story of my life
-Well, my girl friend is missing me right now because I've been writing this for over one hours. I got to back to my lady so the story will be back soon
First note
-to be continue-