Friday, May 11, 2012

what happen last two months??

Here are the things that happened to me. My computer was stolen which is the biggest thing for me. Some stupid mother fucker took my baby away and I want my baby back to keep writing and have my own entertainment. who-the-fuck-ever you are, you will pay for taking other person's belongs.
I feel kinda more likely lost myself after all. I don't know. A day before I came to France, my computer broken down and I had no choice but brought it with me anyhow. I used to use my buddy's computer when I started to live in France. Once my friend needed it back, I gave him and I was saving money for buying new one. it took me 4 or 5 months even though it was the cheapest thing anyone can buy. You know people say all the times 'cheap shit', which means it is cheap and it is shit. My computer was that but I liked it. Now, I am at a farm and they are kind enough to let me use their computer to do whatever hell I wanna do with this computer but once I left here, I don't know how to communicate.
Mmm, working at a farm is my second stage of this trip but, only 5.80 Euro is in my pocket and that is all. Good news is that working at a farm doesn't really need money so I got 3 more weeks to bounce back. I tried all these restaurants around this area in order to let them know I am available to work. In three days, I walked about 4 km and visited 6 restaurants. Two restaurants were closed for out of season. Only one chef, I actually met to talk about, you know a chef to a chef. And non of them needed someone to cook right now. So, what should I do from now....
I am not going to give up my traveling. I have to go threw no matter what. I believe in myself and there is always the way to get it done. I knew I would be out of money and no where to go but I prepared. I got my tent and sleeping back. I don't have a computer to type my thoughts but I got my note. My knife case, chef jackets, and working shoes are in my back so I am ready to work. My camera will keep documenting my view of the world and my guitar will be my entertainment. So, am I okay?? I think so. Even though I have walk long way with my baggage, I think I should get threw what I planed. This time I will put a big sign on my back pack "I am a cook to be hired. If you need someone to cook for you, here I am!"
World Tour: Rated R is continuing