Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tell you something about cooking career

Mmm, such a big title for small talk about my job, I don't know what to begin with since there so many things are rush threw in my brain. I was about to grab a shower since I got to work tomorrow. Why? because I have to neutral myself. In order to sense the food, I should not have any odd smell and anything on me. Such a lazy bastard like me, I want to skip it sometimes. Look, I am a just human binging. However, I always try to be clean myself as possible. I am a professional chef. I should keep that way.
If there is anyone who considering to be a chef, you got to listen to me. Here are the things; you don't need much cloths. The working hours are long and no time to think of what to wear. Most of times, you have to put on whatever in your closet to drag your body to work. Many of you met your friend earns more money than you do and live in a bigger house than you do. That sound sucks!
Some of my relationships are Jeffery by between work and love. I try to mix these two little. As a result? Never been happy ending. End of week, I want to go out to be socialized. You know meeting some girls and having some fun. Many of chefs work twice more hours than office workers. We are often suffering both mental and physical pains. Many chefs choose alcoholic, cigarettes, and anything can make chefs get always from the work, they just hand on it. Not all the chefs though, a lot of chefs are trying to keep in clean as they work. These drinking hobbits and rock hard party playing are only optional choice for some rock 'n' roll chefs who believes party hard and work hard, so do I.
All I am try to say it that chef job is all about dedication and pushing the limits. If you are in the kitchen and you can't stay at the hit, I can point out the door. When I was in NYC, there were a Korean girl talk to me about she become a chef just like me. I looked at her. Yes, she was very attractive and hot. When I looked at her, I realized that she were wearing perfume and manicures. I asked her if she is ready to give up the make up and finger nail. She didn't understand why I asked. I explain to her and she seemed to be moving up her mind to something else.
Past my career was the war zone to me. I have to fight back to find out why I really want to become a chef. I often don't have enough in my pocket and not enough time to do any thing I want to do. Every weekend is all about recovering the pains. I've always run around the schedule like a chicken without a head so, on my day offs, I just want to forget about the times and place. That's right zone out for a little while. you can also say my way to getaway. Despite the fact that, I still do love what I do and I want to spicy up with any kind of actives, such as playing guitar, photography, writing, exercising, and anything that helps me to motivate.
What I want to say to you today is we, chefs, working 'till ass off. If you want to be a chef and be serious about it, you got to ready to be the SWAT team. Out side of the work, whatever you do, you should not let outside effect to your job. Okay, the world is going on and there are a lot of shit to deal with but, the most important thing is you gotta do what you gotta do, right? It might referring to any other professional careers.
My sweet weekend is over soon, less than a half day to go. my brain thinks all about what to cook and how to cook. Drinking wine to bloom my taste bulbs would help me and feel like studying meantime, I am getting drunken which is also good. For me, tasting different alcoholic is like hit two bird with one stone. What I like to call is educational fun.
Okay, I may harsh on my career but we have a lot of fun and pleasure to do the job. The key point of being a chef is to love the job. Otherwise, you could end up at McDonald or some crappy food corner to sell meaningless and heartless food. The simple math formula is if you don't give a fuck, you got no luck in your future so, Sense of food plus products times by heart equals the great chef. I am just talking to you about this job but also to me. I need to wake up and face to consequences. In this year, my goal is to upgrade myself. I want to step up and good at what I do. I don't want to see the numbers and stars. Only thing I want to know is that what I am good at and what I should make some changes.
So, tough up kids whoever stepping into this industry. 14th years at the kitchen isn't still enough for me so I have to keep on going. If I can keep on doing, so do you. Just love the cooking will make you a good chef some day and that is what I want to be.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Finally Face time with the Screen

When I introduce to people, I say I am a chef and then I give my card. My card says I am a chef plus a writer and a photographer. I want to be these so I like to call myself as is. Funny, I've been claim myself as a professional chef from my fans. However, I am yet to be a true writer nor a photographer. Yes, I do love to write on a piece of paper to express myself and from the photography, I can show people how I see the world. Food? yes it always carries my personality.
Just like everything has little connections with one others, i want to be a medium of these things. Somtimes, it is hard to write something. I don't know but I am becoming a thinker rather than a writer. I do think a lot. Every days are pretty much to build lines to create something on somewhere. Creating isn't easy. Keep consistently thinking about something always drives me nut. I can stop thinking and eventually, I drink to solve the problem. In fact, I do smoke while I write. Occasionally, I quite drunken and then I write. Uh, it might be the drunken talking, just like I've no idea what the fuck I am talking about but just mambo jumbo.
What I believe is to be inspired by something. My life lesson was 'Whatever happens, It happens'. I always look for inspiration. Whatever I tasted, touched, listened, smelled, saw, and did, I want to do it in my way.
One day, I was at a club. You know just for clubbing. My theory of living good life is as much as I do my own thing, I deserve to enjoy. That is why even though my age is 32 years old, I still go to clubs. Anyhow, I was thinking meanwhile I was dancing. There are always more guys than ladies at the club. These desperate fuckers gamble to getting lucky by rubbing their bodies against to ladies' behind. Yes, it is the Russian Roulette but it often lost the luck. I want to be pure of dancing at the club, just the simple reason of saying I fucking love to dance. The sound might not like to me since everyone knows I love ladies and can't live without them but, I am just getting sick and tired of chasing girls like animal hunting. I want to put the past in my 20's. Right now is the time to be patient and calm. I want to be loved by someone who loves me. It's been more 'asking you out' than 'ask me out'. Some of my friend told that I should have a girl friend but I don't really look into enough. Yeah sure, I might be not much into ladies for now, I guess.
All I wanna say, as long as a lady with beautiful smile and comes to me say that she wants to be with me, I am gonna take her to my bed. Well, what can I say, shit happens, right??
It's two weeks of nothing, the down times/ vacation. As long I have 'stay-cation', my kitchen is filled with beer cans. What I learn from this is that I should do something about it. The situation I have is not enough money and, there is no space to think about other things. I am getting spin by it. I should think more about what I want to cook and how I wanna do about it. The consequence told me that this isn't the moment to enjoy whatever I want. I've never had luxury in my life. Only luxury is whenever I can either have or do something upgraded. Only thing now I want to do is to enjoy whenever I can and with whatever I have.
Alright, I will stop write about mambo-jumbo-nonsense. So far, my writing haven't had actual conclusion because my thoughts are still progressive.
People just tell me if you like how I write. It will be inspiration of keep writing. It will be as same as people enjoy whatever I cook. So, tell me!